The love of my life slept with his ex-girlfriend. She told me on Valentine's night.

Also from the article:

Certainly since at least the mid-90s, evolutionary biologists have known that the dichotomy of ‘indiscriminate males’ and ‘choosey females’ was a gross oversimplification.

Although anthropology is not my area, it seems to me that from an evolutionary perspective, culture gives humans the unique opportunity to take advantage of a different strategy. If you can effectively intervene with cultural rules and expectations and thus control the decision-making process involved in female choice, i.e., control whether desire leads to sex, you essentially get control of reproduction. And who controls paternity controls the world!

Put another way, if you have a culture that convinces women that 1) they are less interested in sex (than men) and 2) they are more interested in monogamy, then you create a situation whereby women learn to ignore or disregard their own physical arousal, particularly in situations that are deemed inappropriate. Of course, other cultural mechanisms work to reinforce this through slut shaming and even physical punishment, but surely the psychological strategy would be the most effective because women internalize it so completely.

My main point is that your argument is for a double standard. You say that if someone fucks around because they have feelings for the person (most likely a woman, in your opinion) that's far worse than someone who fucks around out of horniness (most likely a man, in your opinion) therefore, it's worse if a woman cheats, because men are men and just can't help themselves. Remember that the excerpt you picked was about choice of who you find attractive - not who you choose to fuck or not fuck. My argument is that if women can help themselves not to fuck someone better than their partner, so can men help themselves from fucking someone slightly worse - we don't need to have a double standard when we all want to fuck the new neighbours.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread