LPT request: How to stop eating so much?

Tell your parents. You are growing through a growth spurt and you need proper nutrition. Like people have said protein is the best, you need it to grow muscle. Junk food like candy has nil nutrition, and is quickly digested into the bloodstream and if not burned off, will be converted into fat by the pancreas. If all this is jargon is too much to understand then go by this - Fresh fruit and vegetables, especially vegies. Save for potato and other high carb vegies, you can eat as much vegies as you WANT! And they are good for you (obv) but who wants to chow down on vegies when theres a perfectly good bag of candy treats going to waste? This is where you have to get creative...

Its high in fat and not very healthy but I will have ranch dressing on a salad bowl full of vegies, take your pick from - lettuce, cucumber, carrot, capsicum, red/spring onion and ill add protein like lean bacon and some fried eggs. 50 - 100 ml of ranch/south west dressing might be alot, but youve also filled up on healthy vegetables that you body NEEDS to sustain health. I dont do this every day though as after i got sick of ranch dressing, id move to other ones, sometimes healthier ones. Also depending on where you live, vegies although can be sometimes expensive, but if you go to a fruit grocer they will be alot more cost affordable, and they last you more than a few meals, unlike junkfood.

Also, protein is THE BEST at solving hunger, as it fills you up, takes a long time to digest (that groaning noise in your stomach you hear after you eat sometimes) and is essential to growth. Good exaples of protein is lean bacon, mixed nuts (less peanuts, more other types) and tuna. Tuna is my best friend, if im hungry ill grab a can of the really high quality tuna, drain it and just eat that. Hunger = gone. Im writing all this as I was in your position, with only 1 parent, extremely easy access to the wrong foods (pocket money, fish and chip shops everywhere) and I got spiralled out of control with my weight, hitting a max of 230kg's (over 450 lbs). I lost 80kg's eating salad, tuna, bacon and eggs. People that say to you ' X isnt healthy, you shouldnt eat it' are either ignorant, misinformed or only advising you from their context. Anything is excess can be bad for you, but in moderation, a burger now and again wont kill you, its knowing when to stop, and if you cant stop at one and you know it, then dont have it. Food can be addictive AF. Also if you have free health care where you live, go to a doctor and tell him what you said in the OP, he will seize an opportunity to save one more from obesity. GL OP!

/r/LifeProTips Thread