LPT: If a job won’t tell you the wage before the interview, leave. If they don’t tell you, then it’s not a wage you’d be able to take. And they know it. They want you to invest all your time and energy interviewing so when they lowball you, you fall victim to the fallacy of sunk costs.

This doesn't work for most senior-level office jobs that have an HR and Career portal. The job already determines the budget for the job position. The applicant is expected to post their desired salary in the application. If the desired salary is too far off from the budget, those people dont get interviews. The ones that are within budget are interviewed. If the hiring manager really likes your resume, they may be willing to still interview you if you are above the budget by an amount that they can justify to their finance dept. The offer you receive will almost always be whatever you ask for if it's within the budget.

The hiring manager is usually more desperate to fill the position than the candidate is to get a job. The hiring manager will want to make sure that the candidate they picked will accept the offer.

I was trying to hire a position, and set a budget of $100k for 5-years experience, and would consider an addition $5k per each additional year of experience up to $110k. I had applicants submit $150-250k in their desired salary, and immediately rejected them. However, there were people who had great resumes but asked for $120k, and I interviewed them. Those people still met my $100k + $5k/(years exp - 5) formula, and I felt I could convince my management into giving me the extra $10k.

Also, once you make it to the final group of candidates, your salary is no longer part of the decision making process, since you already met the requirements before then. It's very rare for a company to hire a A- candidate over an A+ candidate just to save a few thousand dollars that they didn't need to save in the first place.

/r/LifeProTips Thread