LTR Had repressed feelings that she let out earlier need help on how to react.

Her: I wanna go to zumba class Me: How much it cost? Her: she says the price (it was cheap and reasonable price but she has been struggling with money lately, still she could afford it) Me: You will have nothing to eat if you go

You say it's "cheap and reasonable" and that she "could afford it," yet you tell her "you will have nothing to eat if you go." Which is it? Is there something else behind you not wanting her to attend Zumba.

Her: I dont like your bad comments You are not positive and I fucking hate it that you never want me to do excersise that i not have my own plans ever all you want me to think is about your plans i do think about your plans if you are not gonna give me positive comments dont comment at all

This is where you should STFU. Shit, she even tells you "if you're not going to give me positive comments then don't comment at all." By not responding, you'd be implying your disapproval. But instead you fuck up and say:

Me: your analisis is unnessesarily inflamatory and without real grounds

You see what you did? You tried to use logic when engaging with a hamster. What did you think would happen after you said this? That she would just change her mind about the whole thing?

her: after a while I can waste my money on stupid shit. I can waste my money on my body and things that are healthy

So she's trying to up her SMV. And you are trying to argue with her about something as antiseductive as money (even though you say yourself it is cheap.) Again, is the issue really money? Or are you insecure?

Me: stop your childish tantrum and accept that you are making a tornado in a cup of water, price for your zumba class is nothing do your thing

So then you cave. She will hit the Zumba class and workout while thinking of her cheap significant other. You'll come onto ASKMRP asking:

how do I handle this situation?

You do you. Improve yourself. Get out and be social. While she's jumping around in her class, you'll be on your 5th set of squats. While she's talking with her Zumba instructor, you're going out and being social: practicing game, making friends, etc.

/r/askMRP Thread