I’m 24 and I’ve never been in a relationship, or experienced love. Yes, I have hella Capricorn.

Conventionally, opportunities for a relationship arise when objects come into your 7th house. Best for it would be the sun, Venus, and jupiter imho. Actually, it looks like Venus, Mars, and the Sun will be coming into your 7th within the next several weeks (use an ephemeris to find out more precisely).

Uranus represents rebellion or a change from the way things were previously done. It will be coming into your 7th in 3-4 years, it looks like (again, ephemeris). I'm not saying you won't get into a relationship until then, and I'm definitely not saying you shouldn't try until then if it's something you want, ofc, but that would represent a once-in-a-lifetime energy if you haven't by that time.

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