I’m extremely suicidal and I don’t want to be here anymore, but I’m afraid of asking for help as from the outside, my life looks fine.

I get that sometimes too where it comes in waves, some more intense than others. I don't even know why such a thing exists, it's cruel, but it exists.

I was reading a book called "How to Change the Mind" by Michael Pollan. It talks about the history of psychedelics all the way up too the present and its use in treating severe mental illnesses and healing from trauma. Very fascinating read.

I told myself that if im ever serious enough about taking my life, than im going to take a dive into the world of psyhedelics because why not? It beats taking a bullet to the brain after all else has failed.

Of coarse being inexperienced with psychedelics I'd most definitely seek out a reputable retreat center and travel there where I can be safely guided through the experience and have help making sense of the trip afterwards. Otherwise it would be nothing more than a drug trip and one that could leave me in much worse condition if done without a therapuetic presence close by.

Anyways just thought I'd share some thoughts with you and I hope the best for you!

/r/confessions Thread