"So I’m sure you thought you were pretty cute for writing all this out..."

For people who are not able to read bad design choice:

doombrigade said: How to piss off a white person:

1) Assume that each individual white person has no struggles because they’re white. 2) Assume that each individual white person looks the same. 3) Assume that each individual white person doesn’t care about issues involving other races. 4) Assume that each individual white person is uneducated about certain topics just because they’re white. 5) Disregard their opinions just because they’re white. 6) Hold them accountable for the actions of their ancestors. 7) Assume that everything in life is handed down to a white person. 8) Call them a stereotypical “white person” name even if it is not their real name. 9) Assume that each individual white person has the same mindset. 10) Deny white people of their culture and heritage.

If you follow all these steps you’re sure to piss off a white person… and look like a huge racist asshole. You wouldn’t find it acceptable to do it to other races, so why is it acceptable to do it to white people?

Think long and hard about that.

zaddydaycare said: 1. Because your struggle is shit compared to POC. 2. You do tho… 3. Yall made it clear you don’t fuck with anyone but white people, so. 4. Yall literally don’t know shit about the cultures of others unless you can take part in it yourself, cry harder bitch. 5. I’m doing it now, its fun :) 6. Hold them accountable for riding off the coattails of their grandpappy, why wouldn’t I? Have some accountability. 7. Nah, you have to be lower than another race to have something handed down to you ;) 8. Listen, Sharon. 9. Act differently from one another and we’ll see. 10. White culture is insidious and toxic to POC everywhere, fuck ya culture.

You don’t know what racism is, all you know is your white feelings were hurt and nobody’s dropping

fuck-no-bullshit said:

is racist “You don’t know what racism is” 1) >implying the world is America. Really, you guys! Turns out you don’t know what, well, anything is, apparently. See, outside of your little hugbox there’s this wonderful and dangerous place called “outside”, and believe it or not (you would have to, since it’s true) white people are being mass murdered (enough for it to be concidered a genocide, even!) for being white in South Africa, racism against white people is entirely legal in Japan, the Irish went through the same racism and discrimination as black people did in the past and white people were also sold off into slavery. Wow. It’s like you’re so full of shit whenever you open your mouth there’s just diarrhia that just pours out in a neverending stream of shit. Congrats.

2) totally not racist to make judgements on a race’s appearence based on stereotypical facial features, u guiz. Also u might wanna get checked for prosopagnosia btw i mean just sayin

3) that makes literally no logical sense whatsoever. Like, thinking critically. You ever done that? It’s pretty fun. Then again you actually have to have some kind of intelligence to do so, so it’s probably asking too much from you.

4) You seem to be assuming white people as a whole are a culture in itself and don’t understand other cultures. Huh. So tell me, what do you know about French culture and traditions? Who are known as the great table of french podcasting youtube legends? Which day do we make a traditional recipe of marzipan cake and what do we celebrate with it? Which are the two most famous french online series that literally all french watch? What citrus festival is celebrated, and why? Obviously since “”white culture”” is so simple to explain according to you, all of this should be easy! Naturally I wouldn’t expect italians, the greek, the english, the polish, the russians, the ukrainians, the swedish, the swiss, the belorussians, the spanish, the irish, the scottish, the norwegians, the finnish, the latvians or any of those other white countries to know, since, you know, we don’t share the same culture in any shape or form, but surely, you must know?

5) Since I’m not white you won’t be doing this, but hey, you know what’s funny? When I insult muslims and a white muslim comes up to me, I’m gonna completely ignore them or the fact they’re saying i’m being racist and/or an actual bigot because hey! Whitey!

6) Ah yes, I, a 19 year old boy, am entirely accountable for my ancestors who were selling slaves in the slave trade. Who weren’t white, btw. That makes sense. Somehow. I suppose we can just nuke Africa’s general location since that’s where the slave trade started, might as well get rid of those who are to blame amirite?

7) >not racist you guys

literally implying black people are a lower race not racist

8) Look at me, I’m so mature for my age even though i’m only five years old

9) Treat your Prosopagnosia pls this is getting ridiculous

10) white culture isnt a fucking thing you fucking idiot. What the fuck, how the fuck is “””yt kultur””” supposed to be toxic? what the fuck is white culture. that isnt a thing. also just saying but you’re basically lumping up the Japanese with the Nigerians and acting like they’re the same people and that’s kind of hilarious

You don’t know racism or anything else. pls leave your basement maybe and get a tan or something, the sun is worried you’ve blanked your mind with tumblr propaganda is wants to smack you with a few UVs

zaddydaycare said: So I’m sure you thought you were pretty cute for writing all this out, but I’m already reading the first Game of Thrones book and that’s all the heavy reading I plan on doing.

And the day I pay attention to someone with a Putin icon is the day I die.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - zaddydaycare.tumblr.com