Making friends in your late 30s is difficult

Maybe I've been lucky, but I still have very close friends at 34. Some I gained while in late-20s college classes, some from friends-of-friends, some from clubs/meetups, and some from mid-20s "community living" situations.

I've moved across the country several times, so that didn't effect me much, but friendships from other states fizzle out pretty quickly.

Kids tend to effect friendships: Most of my friends who got pregnant *during* our friendship bailed, but a few stuck around, and we still hang out regularly. Those of my friends who had kids prior to the onset of our friendship are still around.

Hobbies that *require* other people are a great start (meetup is still a thing). Examples: board game nights, rock climbing, laser tag, book clubs, martial arts, college/community center classes.

I'm an introvert at heart, but I stay active and pre-covid I was rarely at home more than 4 nights in a row. Commitment to finding time together is key. Even when I feel like sitting at home, I force myself out, and it's time that forms strong relationships.

You can do it!

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread