Male circumcision isn’t a problem

Circumcision is technically mutilation. But I guess it really depends on your perception and your definition of both words.

And as someone who was circumcised, it's pretty upsetting, but I'm not angry anymore. I had conversations with my mother about it and she regrets the decision. She's in the healthcare field and back then, it was considered medically a wise and popular choice in the US.

Honestly it sucks feeling like something was taken away from me that was never my choice. It makes me feel partially emasculated.

It's upsetting that we are willing to ban FGM and rally against it, but in the US we can't even have a conversation about circumcision without people such as yourself invalidating the feelings of a circumcised man. It's adding insult to injury and I hope you consider changing your opinion.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread