r/politics claims that without guns the US would turn into Nazi Germany, North Korea, or Russia

TIL revolutionaries didn't need guns for their revolutions.

Worked in Egypt.

Your last line seems to assume that I'm a conservative but earlier you called me a socialist?

No it assumes you're a brosocialist.

Just so you know, socialist aren't against "identity politics"

Must be why CPH and DSA are overwhelmingly white and lament on identity politics.

and pretty much every prominent POC activist, at least in America, was a socialist.

Yup, go back 50-60 years and you'll find socialists like MLK. And 50-60 years ago, Republicans were the less racist party. Notice how that shit has changed today and most PoC are not socialists (nor were most PoC ever socialists; MLK and co. don't represent a whole race).

That's a really weak jab you're throwing there.

Just an an accurate observation of the overlapping authoritarian, racist, sexist attitudes of the alt-right and alt-left.

I think you would do yourself good to see the difference in wanting an armed working class to protect the interests of that class, which is the socialist argument, from the conservative argument which is I like my shooty toys, and is also funded by the people making guns.

And in practical outcomes, there is no difference. Both sides are overwhelmingly white, both want more guns, both anticipate using guns to overthrow the government, both have fought to keep the firearm status quo at the expense of poor PoC who have suffered the most from easily accessible firearms.

Meanwhile PoC, especially WoC, support more gun control; and your only response to them is "I know better than you about what's good for you". Yet, none of you socialists are in the streets battling cops who are killing and detaining young black men with impunity.

I've said this before but ill say it again. Its funny to me how a sub full of so-called "progressives" so consistently rails against progressive politics.

Probably because you don't represent progress or progressives; it's just a different shade of authoritarian white identity politics.

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