Man is accused of being a pedophile

Oh I genuinely feel empathy towards the bourgeoisie. They're looking after themselves and their families like many of us would.

It's just that I empathise with other workers as well. And the children growing up in poverty in the town I was born. We weren't exactly comfortable either. I empathise with the hundreds of thousands of murdered Guatemalans more than I do with the shareholders of United Fruit. I empathise with Allende more than Pinochet.

Solidarity is more than just empathy though. Solidarity was what we had when the world looked to be on the brink of being taken over by the Nazis. (How did that happen?) People were fighting for themselves and each other because their fight for survival was the same.

Some people view the sweatshops, the constant wars, the ecocide, the climate disaster, the misery and the degenerate tearing apart of the social fabric to be a sad necessity. We see the suppression of our owners the same way. Revolution is horrific. For both classes. But things cannot carry on. A disaster is going to happen. The only question is do we fight for ourselves or our masters?

They have had control of the "narrative" , as you put it, for far too long.

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