Man assaults Cameraman... tries to escape on Bike... Cops See the whole thing...

I know I'm a half month late to this thread, however, this is the top post right now in this sub and I'm so confused and curious about the newfound popularity/resurgence of the term Nazi. It seems like it's suddenly getting thrown around like a hot potato. Nazis have pretty specific ideals that I don't feel the need to go into detail about because it's common knowledge. It seems like the term has changed its meaning from "genocidal maniac killer" to "person I disagree with."

If someone is a jerk to me I call them an asshole. If someone is being racist I call them a racist asshole. If someone tells me they want to form a government with the intention to taking over the world, exterminating all the Jews/non desirables, and relocate Aryans across Europe and Russia, only then would I think to call them a Nazi.

I don't know who threw out the term Nazi in this video, but nothing indicates that any of these people share traditional Nazi ideals. It doesn't seem like any of these people are carrying out mass exterminations in this video. Maybe it's happening just out of frame.

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