Man braces AR-15 with his nose

I grew up in Vermont- which has some of the loosest concealed carry laws in the country, and a high gun ownership rate. Here's the thing: among my friends and classmates growing up, people had guns that fit a specific need, which was usually hunting, or a shotgun for basic security/home defense.

The NRA and the legislators blocking federal background checks from passing- and the fucking looney tunes who want to arm teachers instead of restricting the ability of the general public to buy certain types of firearms- are not endorsing or concerned with the type of gun ownership I grew up around, which was modest, reasonable, and respectful of the weapon. They want people to literally be able to buy whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want it. And if you think I'm a "waterhead idiot," you're welcome to think so- but I could trot out about 20 difference instances where the NRA and Republicans have systematically weakened the ATF and other enforcement mechanisms, not to fit the wishes of their constituents - who, as opinion poll after opinion poll shows, generally endorse modest gun purchase and carry restrictions - but to bolster gun manufacturers that fund the organization.

And if you don't think the NRA and most Republicans "behave the same way anti-gun people do on something they hold dear," you haven't been paying attention to the appalling shit that comes out of Wayne LaPierre's mouth on a semi-annual basis every time a mass shooting takes place.

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