Manifesting "inmoral things"

Your experience is a reflection of you - theirs is a reflection of them. Your tantrum will turn on you, not them. If they are equally whining and throwing tantrums about you, they might go along with it and you can do it together and it might appear you've done something horrible to them but you can't. Only they can. And only you could have gotten the reflection of whatever you're blaming them for. Which you learned from others - probably your mother or your parents in general.

If you want to blame and smack somebody for your own state, it would probably be more accurate to slap your mother.

Regardless of what you think someone else has done to you, you can choose to stew about it until you're done. You can die, stewing in that shit. But it won't be anyone's fault but your own. It's completely and only ever up to you.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread