Maps of Meaning - WoT fans, do yourselves a favor pre-show and read this

Oh man, I'll fail to do justice. As I understand, it's less about women being chaotic, and more their being comfortable with the "natural" (which itself is chaotic). Child-birth as an example. That's part of the natural flow, thus appreciated as a miracle and beautiful. Erich Fromm's Forgotten Language mentions: Freud's "penis envy" is stupid, and reality is the opposite: men have creation envy. As such, men strive to bend nature to its will to create artificially; hence bending the world (by nature chaotic: weather, disasters) to their will (predicting weather, generating energy, etc). So the overall concept is bending nature to will. If the the (sexist?) theory holds true: the feminine is comfortable in nature's order, the masculine is not and strives to bend nature to a desired state.

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