Mass sexual assault reported at music festival in Germany: The attacks are similar to those reported in Cologne and other cities on New Year's Eve.

Are you f--king serious making a statement like that?!

If you were at a concert event, and some of the women were dressed in this type of attire, would you rape and grope them?

From what you are saying, I can't actually be sure what you would do.

I can't be sure, because here we have a situation in which these attacks against women were pre-planned (in which the women were targeted, isolated, and essentially hunted down, almost like they were nothing more than herd animals, rendered frighteningly and completely powerless)...

here we have a vile situation like this, and still you are seeking to put blame on the victims?

Again, I have to ask you:

would you have raped and groped these women, since afterall, according to your logic, it's their fault, due to the way they dressed?

As for me, if I was at that event, would I rape and grope them? NO!

If my friends were at that event, would they rape and grope them? NO!

If my family was at that event, would they rape and grope them? NO!

NOBODY but nobody I know would do such a depraved vile thing like that, at that event. Nobody... no matter how the women are dressed.

So I don't know what kind of particular type of people you know, or choose to hang out with, that would lead you to believe that it's acceptable to be so weak, that one can't but help begin raping and groping women, depending upon how they are dressed...

You want to keep trying to shift the blame towards the victims, then I say, again: f--k you.

When it comes to blame, I blame you for something far worse than any fashion crime you think these women committed.

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