The match that AJ Styles called the greatest of his career (vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - G1 Climax 25)

but when you insult Tanahashi as well you make it clear you have no idea what quality is. Like there is a certain point where you stop just having an opinion and are just objectively wrong.

Art is the most subjective thing on the planet and yes, wrestling is art as it falls under theater.

Any wrestler who is above 40 is no longer the best in the world, you are a leech at that point keeping younger and better talent down.

you embarass yourself further by quoting VINCE FUCKING RUSSO to make your point.

I said that it was the one thing he's right on.

You shit up every single fucking thread on this subreddit with your negativity constantly and I'm beyond sick of it.

Gee, it's almost as if that I'd be happy if my favorite wrestlers didn't get treated like idiots. Chris Benoit, the greatest fucking in-ring technician of all time gets the Voldemort treatment and countless fantastic young wrestlers now get held back by old farts like AJ Styles and in this case, Tanahashi.

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