Maybe Marriage Isn’t For Me.

Tbh, I can relate SO HARD to your story. Like in your case, it's not that my bf isn't a good person, it's that he's a manchild, and horribly immature. He plays games for several hours a day, uses me for emotional labour, barely goes out, doesn't care about his health and is thus obese, doesn't do much around the house, doesn't have a social life, and he doesn't give me a lot of attention either. Though, I don't have the funds or the social support of friends and family to leave. Otherwise, I would have been gone. It doesn't help that I'm young and completely financially dependent on him to go to college. He did ,however, give me a roof over my head and food when I had to run away from my parent's house (and thus ended up homeless) and he works hard to provide. I know that he loves me and cares about me, but I don't think I can do this any longer. He may be a good matvh for another girl, but not for me.

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread