McCain: 'Reckless' for Trump to lift Russia sanctions

ITT: typical /r/politics echochamber and anti-Russia circlejerk. I'd implore you to go visit 'our allies' in Saudi Arabia! You know... Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize and has a close and strong relationship with the senior members of the Saudi Royal Family. Sorry, if we are talking about who is morally superior or is more in-line with 'western values', Russia is far better than Saudi-Arabia.

Our infrastructure has a grade of D+, yet all of you buy into the establishment's idea that we need to give away hundreds of millions of dollars to Palestine... News flash: not everyone in the world would be decent people if they only had economic prosperity. Not everyone thinks we should be the world police or mother when we can hardly take care of our own issues. American people are fed up with the declining middleclass. I considered myself a liberal on the left, rallied for Bernie, but wouldn't ever vote for one of the world's largest criminals.

/r/Politics used to be somewhat moderate and level headed, but it seems the regressive leftists have taken hold. Keep posting Salon, Buzzfeed and other 'supposed neutral news outlets like Huffington Post and The Hill. If you honestly think coming here to read unbiased political events and discussions, you are leaving out the other half of reality.

Cognitive dissonance is a real bitch. Get some perspective, actually be open minded toward different opinions rather justifying your beliefs which were fed to you by /r/politics. You are better than this... Or continue to support the establishment's military industrial complex and endless proxywar with a country we should be working with to un-fuck the middle east, but instead want to start war with Russia and support literal anti-Russia laws... DWS or Donna Brazil actually tarnished the integrity of our democracy, yet you all eat it up when they tell you Russia is the reason we have Trump, using your thoughtless rage in their favor.

"Crimea" is what you are thinking? Why does the news never mention the majority(95%) of Crimean residents of native Russian decent have wanted to defect to Russia for decades via "democracy". 95% of Crimea residents voted to join Russia, 50% of Ukraine's own military in Crimea defected. Since when is voting and democracy illegal or illegitimate? If you are truly for democracy and anti-war, you wouldn't be pointing to this issue as a reason we need to sanction Russia or increase tensions. Putin is an asshole sure, but Russia is not our fucking enemy, but the establishment, MSM, and a bunch of fucking idiots or "$h1ll$"(a banned word for fucking real?) circlejerking re-enforce your insanely biased, authoritarian, spoon-fed regressive beliefs.

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