McConnell Blocks Bills to combat election interference

And yea, it turns out he's handsy, but I'm not convinced he's some sort of predator. I expect he'll have stopped doing that. If it turns out he's assaulting women or simply won't change his ways, I will flush him, but until then, I think he's good enough, as are all the other candidates.

The interesting thing about this narrative is the fact that Biden, in years past, had been cheered for things like introducing the Violence Against Women Act. The perception flip from women's advocate to abusive creep is a fairly recent thing.

Personally, I think his behavior has been inappropriate at times, but the suggestion that it was malicious just falls flat for me. His response to the criticism does strike me as out of touch, which is a legitimate criticism, but the attempts to paint him as some kind of predator strike me as a concerted effort to turn a perceived strength into a liability. Not that we've ever seen that in American politics before.

I like that Biden is essentially a dove

Foreign policy has always been Biden's greatest strength, but I don't feel this is particularly accurate. He has no problem going to war

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