Me [20 F] with my boyfriend [20 M] of a year- first relationship and i'm confused

It took me about 10 months of being sexually active with my first serious boyfriend to finally be able to climax. Unfortunately I was his first virgin girlfriend so he wasn't very helpful when it came to finding a solution and was just as lost as me. He was a very patient man but I could tell his ego has hurt after probably 6-7 months. Maybe earlier, I was not the most observant girlfriend. He never refused sex, but just didn't really seem as into it anymore. When I had my first orgasm his ego seemed to improved immediately. I'm actually laughing to myself thinking back on it. The words that came out of his mouth afterwards!funny man. Anyways, if you're thinking about having an orgasm while having sex then it will actually make it harder for you. What worked for me was to become a more greedy lover. I stopped thinking about him as much and thought more about myself and my pleasure. I also kept my mind turned on, and just thought about how everything felt. The best pleasure for me was achieved when he was laying down in a bed and me on top riding him. This position gave me control to go at my pace and also just felt so good.

The problem with first real relationships, at least in my case, is that you just don't want to call it quits. I kept turning a blind eye to so many things that I normally wouldn't. I kept thinking that things would work out, especially since he was the best man I had met. He still is, but that doesn't mean that I regret my decision.By what you said, it looks like your bf is confused and staying with him is not going to help. It sounds very similar to how my bf was a month before the breakup. Especially the manipulating, refusal to take any sort of blame, and 180 mood swings. He was not happy but didn't want to lose me so was instead lashing out. After the break up I kept waking up thinking of him, since I use to sleep over every other day of the week. My pride is the only thing that kept me strong. I forced myself to wake up early everyday, keep myself busy all day, watch cartoons at nights, and masturbate often(just in case). I didn't pour my heart out to anyone but I heard that works for some people. Spending time apart from him made me realize it was for the best to end things while we still cared for each other. I still talk to him and he is the best friend I could ask for. But I definitely would avoid him any contact with him at all cost at least for a month! If it helps you to know my ex still thinks the best of me and considers me the best girlfriend he's ever had and cant get enough of my company now. I'm just giving you my experience, at the end of the day I always think that you should do whatever makes you happy:)

Also as a side note that bit you said about being attractive might actually be working against you. I can't stand the thought of being fat while my ex was very chunky. His nickname was mi gordito meaning my fatty, except that when you add the -ito part you make it an endearment. I enjoy jogging, swimming, and hiking. He enjoys video games, Reddit(he introduced me to it), anime, and staying indoors. I use to love watching him eat, and even learned to cook for him. I would also play with his belly when he was asleep all the time. But he also made a point not to spoil me. I guess he thought enough people did that for him. All his friends had a crush on me at one point or another. I was told by a mutual friend that he would spoil his ex before, even though she wasn't nearly as attractive as me. But my ex was somewhat right though. People either avoided me or be really sweet to me, no in between. He was one of the few people who didn't mind putting me in my place and getting mad at me while still being loving afterwards besides my family. This got really long but I had time to kill before my class started. Best of luck to you!

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