Me [24 F] with my husband [25 M], not sure how to ask him to do more around the house

Video games can be really bad for marriages. They are addictive, if the game is any good at all it will trigger obsessiveness in a lot of people - myself included.

Some can manage this and balance their relationship out, many more cannot. It's a blackhole of hours-long distraction lurking right next to the chores that need to be done.

Chores/Responsibility not being shared is one of the leading causes of relationship breakdown. It would not be unheard of for a divorce to eventually come of this.

I'm not sure how you can get him to break this habit/mentality, it has been built up over years - long before he went out of work, but exacerbated by the fact he is out of work now.

I wish you luck, but I want you to be prepared that this might be an uphill battle. There will likely be fervent denial that there is a problem, he'll feel entitled to his personal hobby. I used that defense for years.

If this goes on for eternity, you have to evaluate if this is the right person. You're only 24.

I lost the joy in gaming after the divorce only, and replaced it with a joy for the gym instead (an excellent coping mechanism for an addictive personality). That's what it took for me to change. Old habits die hard.

If this does happen, the next relationship has to get the chores issue nipped in the bud and started on the right foot from Day 1. It is 100x easier to start off right than fix something broken.

Good luck!

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