Me [26 F] with my Mother[46F], she told me my grandfather only has a year to live in order to convince me to take a job close to her and my grandparents. Now my Fiance' wants me to cut her out of my life entirely and bar her from the wedding.

You want your mother at your wedding... but can you honestly call this woman your mother after everything she's done to you? She isn't the person you want or need her to be, otherwise she'd be proud of the job offers you've received- or at the very least not blatantly lied to you.

To her she's your mother, but have you ever actually honestly thought about what you are to her? She's manipulated you your entire life, she's lied to you for entirely her own benefit. She's had every chance that 26 years will afford and she still acts like this to you, she won't stop on your wedding day.

Your fiance loves you and is choosing to spend the rest of his life with you- he wants that life to be filled with love and happiness, not your constant anxiety that she'll walk through the door or send a triggering text or lie about a family ailment. She doesn't respect him, you, or the life you're choosing. As long as she's in your life you don't have control over anything, she does.

My advice: Don't give her any strikes. Tell her that was out of line, and show her you're serious by uninviting her from the wedding and ceasing communication. Let your family and friends know your decision, ask them to respect it. After the wedding is over and you've come back from your honeymoon, if you still feel like you want her in your life, give her a shot. Lay out the ground rules, and if she breaks them she's out. You won't be alone- you'll have your new family, your husband. To be in control you just have to do what you say you'll do.

/r/relationships Thread