Me 26F with my boyfriend [24M] of 3 months; I need to stop wondering if he is with me because he likes me, or because the other girl is unattainable.

I just talked to him. I asked him if he still had strong feelings for her. He said he still liked her, given that he's liked her for a while now, but that he didn't feel as strongly for her. He said that he knows that while he still likes her, his feelings are fading. I asked him if he was 100% certain, and he assured me that he was.

I asked him if he still thinks about her, and he said yes. I asked him how often, and he said about once a day, maybe. I asked him what he thinks about when she comes to mind, and he said that he thinks about what he could have done differently.

I asked him if he ever talks to her in any way/shape/form, and he said no. He said that they were in different departments (university students), and that they were both busy/in different social circles, so he wouldn't ever get the chance to interact with her.

I told him that I'm not just talking about the "opportunity", and that I needed his absolute word that he wouldn't pursue her even if he was given the opportunity to. He promised he wouldn't. I believe him.

It's understandable that he still has somewhat strong feelings for her, considering he's liked her for two years, and I don't expect him to suddenly say that he's completely over her. I think that's unrealistic. But I'm at peace with the fact that he wouldn't ever go out of his way to talk to her or pursue her.

The only part that I'm a little worried about is the fact that he still thinks about her everyday, and wonders what he could have done differently. Is this something that I should be concerned with? Or do you think this is one of those things (like the crushes you mentioned) that will fade with time?

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