Me [38M] with my med student wife [31F], 2yrs married, 4 years together, trying to figure out what's wrong

Here's a go:

Dear Wife,

I want you to know how much you are loved and cherished. I'm proud that you are succeeding in your career and I am happy to provide the support you need. In fact I would like to be even more supportive and have our marriage grow on a solid foundation.

I realize that we have past issues that need to be addressed, specifically your lack of trust in me for things I did or fantasied about as a single man. I'm sorry but neither one of us can undo our past. You have told me that you were more sexually open to your previous partners than me, and this hurts me. But I can move on from that and am asking you to move on from my past.

You say there is a wall, and you are right. As a couple we must scale this wall together before it permanently divides us.

This is not just about sex. It is about the need for human touch, the closeness and feelings of warmth that bond a couple together. When I touch you it is not necessarily for sex. You are stuck on my past, but this is the reason I stopped the foolishness of a single lifestyle. For me it was shallow. I wanted a deeper connection with a woman who cared for me and a woman I could truly care for. I thought you would understand this when I made you my wife.

Please do not take this letter as me being combative or placing blame.

You are my wife and it hurts me to see other happy couples being playful and flirtatious with one another, but we remain reserved like strangers. Every time you turn me away from a kiss or hug it is a rejection that stings. All I want is your affection and for you to show me that you love me the way I love you.

Please give us a chance to grow and to be that couple others aspire to be like. I know you are stressed right know with your residency and cannot come home frequently.

Let's do something different next time you are home. I'll set a date night and we will go out and have fun just like we did when dating. I will hold your hand and we'll just joke about like kids. There will be no sex that night but we will lie in bed cuddling for five minutes and I will show you the affection I want to incorporate in our marriage.

Let's both decide to move forward together.

Your husband, with love.

**Just an idea. If she doesn't go for this, you guys are in trouble.

/r/relationships Thread