Me [early 30s F] cutting out certain family members [20s to 50s Ms/Fs], will i regret it later on?

Hey, OP! I went NC on my entire family. My reasons were rooted in abuse, but I don't think that invalidates your reasons from distancing yourself from your family. I think you have every right to decide who to involve yourself in, and who to keep far away from yourself and your personal life.

I haven't spoken to my dad or his side of the family in something approaching 6 years. And I haven't spoken to my mom or her side of the family in over 2 years.

At the 1 year point with my mom, I did wind up feeling a little bit of regret about my decision and reached out to her. I kept in contact with her for about a month before her usual drama and victim blaming dance began again, so I stopped speaking to her. Haven't regretted it since.

I don't think you'd feel regret at all. I mean, we're all different and I can only speak from my own perspective. But having these negative people out of my life has left me with the feeling of relief. My weeks are peaceful and go by smoothly. Life is good!

/r/relationships Thread