Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.

Hey I don't take any offense to this as a man. After all I grew up indoctrinated by my mother that men were bad and terrible and she was terrified of men. She would always project that fear and stuff onto me, a young boy. I grew ashamed of being me, I hated being a boy and thought that all women were victims and constantly being destroyed by terrible men. The mental damage done to my psyche is quite literally unfathomable. It wasn't until I got older and all my girlfriends cheated on me and I saw how absolute fucking insane most women are. How they need and want and sabotage and destroy. How they ruin lives and then break down in tears like the victims. Lol, truth be told I find most women to be absolutely evil to the core and not even themselves are aware. Oh but they always got excuses and reasons as to why it's not their fault. Yeah well after living a life where I literally can't trust anyone at all, and expect everybody to be looking to shit on me I have no problem saying that all people in general are trash. That includes women, in fact especially women. Some of the worst people in existence are people pretending to be the helpless victim that's been hurt and all they want to do is latch onto you and destroy your lives, and do that to as many people as possible. Yeah go ahead thinking women are saints and victims of the evil, terrible men. I've been hearing it literally my entire life. I might have been smart enough to discard my worthless father (that my mother chose) but I wasn't emotionally prepared to fend off a vampire that would completely annihilate me in every way conceivable. Honestly I hope civilization falls apart, apocalypse, end of times type shit. People are fucking garbage and the only thing has kept me from becoming an especially horrible person myself is knowing that everyone reaps what they soe. Every person will have to deal with their wrong deeds, so keep claiming to be victims and talk about how evil men are. Truth is, if you've bought any suffering into this world yourself, you're deluded if you don't think you are going to pay the ultimate price. Peace on it.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread