Men aren’t angry because they realized women want Chad. They’re angry because they realized they aren’t Chad.

If you think about it, they arent that far from political lesbianism.

I've relied on too many women wholly plutonically and been risen by those women socially and economically to such a vast extent I can't just remove them from my life. I owe them a massive debt albeit teaching me most of my development skills in school, looking after my when I'm sick, even getting me work when I was desperate. Fs my Mum raised me in her own and her mum raised her.

But toxic relationships need to end. It's balance like everything else in life. I definately need to spend less time and therefore resources pursuing sex, relationships and/or intimacy. It's not making me happy or fulfilling any purpose in my life. And it's making me a target for people to take advantage of.

Having said that you don't win the game by not playing, and anything other than victory feels like failure, self-inflicted or not, because we live in a society

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