Men, why does some guys detach from someone that gives them affection?

Not a man …. But, I’ll give an answer I haven’t seen here yet.

The why doesn’t really matter. there are a million questions when your heart is hurting, is it me? Is it him? Could I have done anything differently to make him feel the same? He’s given you the only answer you need right now, and that is he’s not in the same place as you. And that’s ok, it doesn’t make either of you wrong, just wrong for each other right now. Let him go with grace, and allow the space for a man who’s on the same page as you.

There could be a million different reasons, and you may never know for sure. But You deserve the kind of mutual adoration you’re looking for and there are so many wonderful men out there who could give that to you.

/r/AskMen Thread