Men don't realize how disgustingly we are treated sometimes

im sorry nobody stepped in to help. that guy was truly an asshole. but him alone does not make ALL men bad. someone who did not STOP him is not as evil as the human doing the bad act. there are levels of grey involved, and none of the women stood up either. its your legal right to self defense, you can carry pepper spray, mace, a purse with a brick in it. anything. theres no excuse for walking around defenseless. most men don't because even WE don't trust other men, or women.

I've been robbed by a 20 yr old girl from craigslist who pretended she was selling an xbox, instead she surrounded us with her chola gang girlfriends in east LA with some pistols and robbed me and my friend of 300$

human nature, thats all it is. we are all the sole proprietors of our own fate, and no one else owes us anything. so its up to each of us to BE the change we want to see, not to demand the rest of the world conform to US. for good or bad.

Some people do bad things, but inside their own head, they have NO clue. everyones viewpoints are different, but that doesnt mean anyone is wrong or right, we just need to start understanding each others points of view a little more often.

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