Girl I had a crush on in high-school chose someone else. Years later in mod twenties we meet up again for the first time. Things moved quick, way too quick. A month later, I slept over her place and woke up at 330am. She was staring at me while sitting on her typewriter. I'm not good at red flags but over the next month she started showing me animals being decapitated trying to get me to go vegan. Then started threatening suicide when I didnt text back while at work. So I broke it off. She dated a new vegan guy 2 days later. I tried to be polite and met up to talk for closure. She asked me to stare into her eyes for a few minutes. I guess it was a spell or something idk. I still broke it off and cut off all contact. I'd get pages of angry texts. Saying she was able to go into my blueprints of my soul etc. And weird texts.
Then a year later I'm in a new relationship and she shows up at my house unannounced trying to get me back. She left when I wouldn't let her in. I went to the police to file a report because she seemed like the type of crazy to make a false claim against me.
She then used her boyfriends email to message my girlfriend saying I was like Jeffrey Dahmer. Saying they can come save her to help her get away from me.
Luckily my gf knew who I was, but that was a creepy time. I ended up going to file a restraining order because I had enough of it. Then the crazy ex left me alone when I told her I was going to. I went to file it and was treated awfully by the lady filling out the paperwork, probably because I'm a guy. It frustrated me and I didn't continue with the court date later on. Haven't heard from her since.
It's sad because she was a great person in high-school. I guess somewhere along the line she lost her mind a bit. I learned then people aren't who you remember them as when you haven't seen them in years.