Men of reddit, what's the most hurtful thing a girl has ever said to you?

"It's over."

To back up a bit...

I attended an all-boys high school, but a handful of girls were accepted to the school from 16 onwards. She was part of that intake and I was part of the same academic year, but we never really spoke properly until a few weeks before the end of the school year; she never really settled in properly and eventually decided to transfer back to her original school after our exams.

During those last few weeks, I tried to convince her to stay on, tried to make her feel better after she received some rather vicious comments from others, and after she officially requested the transfer, I tried to make sure she had an enjoyable final few weeks at the school. Across those weeks and the following summer, we met up quite frequently both inside and outside school and began to form a pretty close friendship. Through a combination of my own introversion and the fact that all my schoolmates and classmates had hitherto been boys, I had never been in a relationship before (or indeed, a friendship with a girl for several years) and thus was extremely moved when she started sending me cards and gifts expressing her gratitude for my help and company.

In the new academic year, we officially started a relationship after we both confessed our growing feelings for each other. I remember feeling so happy during those early weeks - choosing birthday gifts, meeting up when we could both get out of school, sending messages back and forth - corny as it may sound, I was so happy to see her happy.

After a while though, it became harder and harder to contact her. She was applying to elite universities, juggling school work, real work and lived on the other side of town to me. I sent her a message every day or so making sure all was going well and offering my support, but eventually she just went silent and stopped replied altogether. So after a week with no word from her, I heard my phone's text message alert sound. My heart leapt and I ran over to check the sender. Seeing it was her, my heart shot up and a huge beaming smile spread across my face almost instantly. And then I opened it up...

It's over.

To say that it hurt would be an understatement. I remember staring at the phone for a few moments and then slowly staggering backwards into my chair. My heart was still racing from hearing the alert, but now my body just felt numb and strangely senseless. I wanted to cry but I just couldn't.

That night and the following few days was one of the most miserable points of my life. It wasn't the fact that she wanted to end our relationship but the manner in which she did it: a two word SMS message. No warning, no explanation, no face-to-face conversation, just a clean drop straight into the garbage bin.

I know it sounds a little silly after some of the other accounts on this thread (and apologies for writing a small essay here!), but those two words...

/r/AskReddit Thread