Men who can tell a good story are seen as more attractive and higher status

Not quite like that; that sort of thing only happens to people that are Elephant Man-level deformed; they are beaten and probably sometimes killed for their deformities. People who are straight-up disabled? Yeah, they're oppressed. Maybe not quite like black people, maybe more like gay ones. Lots of people with disabilities have been beaten, abused, or even killed.

Other, subtler forms of discrimination definitely happen to the bottom 1 percent of people. There's a difference between:

  • Being called "creepy"

  • Being called "creepy" and having your decency as a human being called into question because you have immutably unattractive traits, even in the absence of any form of romantic or sexual interest. This kind of thing only happens to a small number of people and is nowhere NEAR as big a societal problem as racism, but can be fairly damaging on an individual level.

  • Being stigmatized due to the effects of being ugly/undatable through singlism, looks prejudice, and loneliness; this last is just as harmful as obesity or alcoholism - according to scholars like John Caccioppo. I'm not pulling this one out of my ass here.

Not to mention, a lot of the bottom 1 percent of people, men or women, ARE outright disabled: autism, morbid obesity, or other ailments are vastly overrepresented here.

Once you get low enough on the barrel, the "eunuch-rapist dichotomy" that disabled or transgendered individuals face can definitely apply. It's pretty far down on the SMV scale, but it happens.

No, being fuckable or dateable is NOT a human right. We are all supposed to be equal, but some people are more equal than others, and there is a definite stigma to being that unattractive that can impair your life chances. OK, it might not be as bad as being a slave in the Antebellum South. I'll buy that. However, it can still be bad, OK?

I see both bullying and systematic oppression as manifestations of the same kind of tribal shit that humans have been doing for millennia, just in a more extreme version. In both, US are good and THEY are dogshit. Get ugly enough, unattractive enough, disabled enough, and you can fall into that category.

Hell, I'd even argue that when you get to the very bottom of the barrel, the bottom 0.1 percent? Most of these people are legitimately disabled or mentally ill somehow.

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