Men who don't drink (alcohol/beer): How do you manage your social life and meet new people?

I haven't had a beer/hard drink for the past 8-9 months and due to this, my health has improved (quite significantly). I drink a lot of water, piss a lot, I take excellent shit in the morning. I mostly cook at home, I often fast one day a week. I look a lot better. I feel a lot better. I am more awake and worried about my problems which helps me to understand and resolve them immediately.

During my continuous drinking era, if there was any problem in life, I would just drink and sleep and assume it will go automatically.... (Fucking coward).

There is just so much positive change in my life, I am not going to give it up just to hang around or being social with a group. If that particular group is not fine with me (not drinking), I would be very glad to see myself out of that group.

/r/AskMen Thread