Men who've worked in female-dominated workspaces, how was your overall experience? Any memorable stories? Any advice?

My experience over 10 years working throughout the country in different sectors… and consistently find it easier to work with men. With women I notice there’s a lot more office politics involved, objectifying men and various double standards. Just gotta keep your head down and keep any discussions strictly professional… if forced to discuss personal things, then keep it very mundane and forgettable.

Before entering the real world of full-time work, I had this idea that women would be amazing people to work with and no drama and all about equality… oh wow what a shock it was lol to learn it’s the complete opposite! I think academia creates this safety bubble around young people… well they are in for a shock when they enter the real world.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" comes to mind here lol. I understand now. That's not to say men don't have their issues in the workplace, but in terms of drama... there's no competition - women hands down have perfected the art of office politics and drama.

/r/AskMen Thread