Men and women of reddit who caught their significant others cheating, how did you do that? And what was your reaction?

He just got mad and told me. We were fighting and arguing, and he was desperately trying to say anything he could to hurt my feelings even more. And he just blurted it out. I thought he was just saying it to be mean, that he didn't REALLY see a hooker while I was working third shift. But no, it was true. And after he said it, he realized what he had done and tried to calm down and talk about it. But then that turned in to the blame game, and well if I didn't have such a low sex drive......he didn't even finish that sentence before I just walked out the door. I didn't even have a car at the time and honestly didn't really know what to do or where to go. It was like 2 in the morning, no ride, no one to call. I just started walking. Figured I could clear my head enough to come back home for the night and figure out what to do in the morning, but next thing I knew, I was at my mom's house. Six miles away.

/r/AskReddit Thread