A message from /r/wow's mods

So the day this friend got raped. Were you cracking rape jokes or did you comfort, be serious and let her/him know youre there for em if they need anything? If you're the kinda person you say you are, then no you did not. But its just a joke ... Why not crack it? Cause you prob realize there's a time and place for the shit.

The thing about the internet is folks often go to the wrong places and start cracking jokes. /r/jokes? I won't complain. Askreddit thread "how did being a victim of rape affect you?" Is not the place and is assholeish to be cracking jokes there.

I don't have such an ego that I need to be seen as funny when I'm around people I do not know. People I know, I know when something is off and when joking is not needed. People I don't know I don't. They could had some serious shit the night before and here I am cracking jokes about it and i don't notice they aren't acting normal.

I too have a gay friend. Hes cool with and accepted being gay and is fine with it and he knows I don't give a fuck if he wants to consentually fuck dudes in the butt. Hes fine with me rippin on him about it. I'll even play wingman for him. But I do have the goddamn decency to realize where I live and if he's acting weird to make sure shit is cool before I crack any jokes. Make sure some redneck didn't try to chase him down in their F350. I rip on people A LOT. And I expect to be ripped on a lottoo. But I only rip on people I know cause I know what buttons to not push. Everyone has their personal shit. And my friends know to not make dad beating jokes around me. Everything else is fair game with me, dont push that button though. If you think you have a right to be able to make dad beating jokes to me and tell me to not be so sensitive and get over it, you can fuck right on out of my house and find a new friend.

Its not about being insulted. Its about insensitivity and having some decency. Its about choosing the right places and time for cracking the jokes. If you think every and any time and place is fair game to rip on someone, you're a bit of an insensitive dick. You think I'm saying you can't ever joke. No. I'm saying know your audience before you start with jokes that could be hurtful to some folks.

/r/wow Thread Parent