I met with the same gynaecologist who shamed me 12 years ago

Without any mention of any opinion based on anybody's experience with this particular matter, I would like to say that conversations and debates are only ever useful when they are between two people with different experiences.

If two people have experienced exactly the same things in life, and already 100% agree with each other, there is little reason to discuss anything because no information will be exchanged. The only thing that can be gained is a sense of validation in one's own experiences and a feeling of "normalcy", which is an important thing to receive in it's own right, but does little to further discussion and convince other's.

Even if it's 1 in a thousand conversations that leads to some small change in a person's behavior or opinions, with the sheer number of conversations that happen globally that is a strong force for good (or bad), and you lose that power when you stop talking with people because they haven't experienced the same things you have.

Just some food for thought.

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