Metoprolol is hurting my husband, please help with advice.

Well, we've been trying and if you read my post closely, you'd see that we were on a good path of having his high BP contained. That's when an unknown doctor came in and told us to double the Metoprolol dosage. No other change has happened, and by this time, my husband's blood pressure was on a steady downward trend.

He has been feeling horrible since the Metoprolol started, is having a boatload of the side effects, his blood pressure is out of whack, and having a spike.

I just took his BP now, it's 4 hours after I gave him the half of 0.1 Clonidine, and his BP is at 135/85, 55 bpm.

We are not abrasive, or volatile, or entitled. Not sure where you got that from. But feeling like my husband's treatment being "none of our business" and not feeling like part of it, not being involved in discussing it, being made aware of possible side effects, it's a bad feeling we can't shake.

Our life and our daily going-on-abouts have been the exact same this week as the past week and the week before. We eat a healthy diet, don't smoke, exercise 6 days of the week.

Rest assured we will see a cardiologist who wants to work with us on Monday. Where I don't feel it necessary to look over weeks' worth of BP data to try and find a pattern and medication that would make most sense and would work. Where I don't have to research a suggested medicine, told to us to take by the cardiologist through his assistant, with no other info than to just take it, and find out that it was used to help males transition to females, with common side effect being growing and sore breasts, change of voice, and impotence.

Anyway. His blood pressure is contained for now. We will sleep a few hours and start reducing the metoprolol dosage exactly like I said in my OP.
Then call a new cardiologist on Monday.

Not everything is always the patien's fault. I am glad you are not our doctor and giving us advice. This is exactly the kind of behavior we are trying to avoid.

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