Mexican authorities have found at least 242 bodies in hidden graves in the eastern state of Veracruz that were discovered by mothers searching for their missing children

Why not?

1) Nothing wrong with running away if you're in a bad spot. My family has housed 2 friends who had abusive or controlling family so they left. What kind of sicko would make them stay?

2) Nothing wrong with prostitution. People need money. Other people are willing to pay for sex. Keep safe, keep out of the slums, and make sure a condom is used properly! It seems to be stigmatized simply for the sake of being stigmatized, and that doesn't make any sense.

3) So you're telling me you think runaways and prostitutes are so sub-human that they don't deserve be counted in the murder rate when they are murdered? Murder is a human intentionally killing another human (typically without a legally just cause). Idgaf who you are or what you do. If you've been killed by someone in an illegal manner and not-accidentally, you've been murdered. Why does it even matter to you if they are? It's just good bookkeeping. Not like the victims get anything special out of it.

4) It's cool for you to have your own ethics and morals, mate. Everyone does. Just don't try to force them on others.

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