Do Mexico is really not that safe like people make it sounds to be? And health care question

I live in Mexico. Most expats have listened to too many YouTubers and are not really aware of the dynamics.

I have to say Mexico is sadly corrupt through all levels. I’m not sure what Kool-Aid everyone has drank, but Merida has a dark reason it is “safe” for now.

Mexico is a great vacation spot or short term get away, but after living here for over 5 years it’s changed my perspective.

First, I’d never buy property here. Stick to renting and leverage your money in your country of origin. There’s no shortage of people waiting to fuck you over.

Second, have you seen the Funky Town video? That should leave a stain in your pants. Think the police, schools, politicians and everyone is involved somehow.

My kids escaped gun/fentanyl crisis in the States but go to school with Narco kids. So, yea…true story

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