Dealing with ignorant comments and pressure about moving back

This post is so relatable. I've lived outside the US since 2004. All of my friends and family have made or continue to make these types of comments. The main question I am asked is when am I moving back? At this point its not offensive to me because I'm an expat and see the world differently than the 'typical' American. I understand they don't mean to offend they just see living outside the US as unpatriotic and they see me as 'less american'. I'm OK with that, I feel like life in Europe is more progressive than the US in many ways. I also didn't realize that I used to be that typical American until I experienced life abroad. If this is an important friendship for you try to remember patriotism is drilled into Americans everyday. The greatest country in the world.... If you think your friend says or does these things to antagonize you then that's a problem that needs to be addressed. If you think these comments are made in blissful American unawareness maybe for the sake of the friendship remind yourself it's not personal. This is how I deal with it and it's really a non issue now and no longer pushes my buttons.

/r/expats Thread