MFW my dad mansplains to me why he doesn't like me saying mansplaining

I'll admit, as a woman past 30, the unironic use of "mansplaining" in a real life conversation would make me cringe, as the unironic use of kek, lol, and "Worldstar" would as well.

I'm in a lot of "letting off steam" subreddits, so I get it, but the shorthand nature of the word "mansplaining" on the internet has a much more negative value when spoken aloud in real life. And I know, oh how I know, it's only a taste of the casual dismissal we get as women (and the other minority groups we belong to), and it's super tempting to give a taste of the medicine shoved down our throats, but is that really what you want to do?

I'm not saying don't use the word because I'm not the word police, but just understand how inflammatory your rhetoric could be to others. Also, in saying this, I'm aware that women are called upon to be the "polite" conversationalist and do the emotional labor of guarding egos, so I'm sort of torn about even saying this.

My concern in all this wordiness is that "mansplaining" is used on the internet in the abstract; using it in real life brings all the baggage and power struggle into real life interactions which may not warrant all the historical baggage.

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