Michigan Muslim Americans rally around Sanders on primary eve

Also... ummm... Arab/Muslim American news outlets are not foreign or fringe news. Bernie has been receiving endorsements and support from arab/muslim American news outlets all month. Let's not forget that in 2016 Bernie Sanders got a landslide number of the Muslim American vote in key states like Michigan.

This week he was on the front cover of Arab American News with an endorsement from the editors.

Link to english cover

Link to arabic cover

Also mainstream news is reporting Sanders having overwhelming support from Muslim Americans but I am going to assume that due to Google/Facebook/Twitter/News-site algorithms promoting stories to people based on their demographic/shadow-profiles, that Americans who are non-muslim just aren't seeing all these stories.

Example froms non-fring and non-muslim-american news outlets:

Newsweek: https://www.newsweek.com/why-muslim-voters-love-bernie-sanders-1489226

TheHill: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/483819-sanders-wins-endorsement-of-top-muslim-group

NPR Michigan: https://www.michiganradio.org/post/why-arab-american-voters-are-going-bernie-sanders

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