Michigan Senate Passes Bill that Makes Oral and Anal Sex Punishable By 15 Years in Prison

Contrary to Senator Jones's preconceptions, these laws aren't harmless. The supreme court was fucking retarded when is struck down homosexuality laws, leaving two significant loopholes.

A. The fix only applies to private conduct. People can and still are arrested for sodomy for crimes that are, correctly, indecent exposure or public indecency.

B. It does not apply to juveniles. The supreme court thought it knew exactly what it was doing when it said this; it was allowing prosecution of child rapists. However prosecutors have used these laws to either increase penalty-including sex offender registration-or apply penalty to consensual sexual activity between kids, or young adults and older teens.

Yes, unconstitutional sodomy laws have been used to prosecute gay kids before. It's rare, legislatures tend to pass laws repealing those aspects after outrage, and the local courts overturn those cases as a rule, but it's technically valid and does still happen. Not every local supreme court has overturned that application of the laws.

And they probably never will; by keeping these laws on the books, you give the local prosecutor an enomrmous amount of negotiating power. He takes public indecency, upgrades it to sodomy, or takes misdemeanor statutory "rape" and upgrades it to a felony sex offense, then offers you to plea to the reduced charge because he's such a fucking nice guy.

No one is going to challenge that, because the cost is enormous, and given both how long appeals take and how sex offender registration works, you will be on the registry for years pending the inevitable overturning of your case. That's already life destroying, you can't recover from that.

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