Microsoft joins group seeking to kill off historic climate change lawsuits | Microsoft has joined a conservative-led group that demands fossil fuel companies be granted legal immunity from attempts to claw back damages from the climate change they helped cause

Microsoft has said it was motivated to join the CLC due to its support for a price on carbon, which it has backed in Washington state and sees as a key method to drive down emissions. The tech company already charges itself an internal $15-a-ton carbon fee on everything from employee travel to electricity used on its premises. By next year, Microsoft expects its data centers will use 60% renewable energy.

“We are getting extremely impatient, frankly, for policy action on climate change,” Lucas Joppa, chief environmental officer at Microsoft, told the Guardian. “We support a carbon fee because we believe it’s a policy mechanism that works and accords with economic principles. For us, joining the CLC gives us the opportunity to have this debate at a federal level.”

Please put the pitchforks away those who read just the headline and comments about the headline.

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