Mike Pence allowed HIV outbreak to spread while he "prayed" over his ban on clean needle distribution

You all keep saying I don't understand addiction, and yet none of you can tell me how I'm wrong.

Actually they did. A few times. here y'go:

some of us live in the real world where addiction exists and it's fucking horrible. Distributing clean needles is a way to make a shitty situation a little less shitty.

The studies have been done before.

There's a lot of evidence that prescription drug manufacturers were playing down the addictive property to doctors who scribed them for years leading up to the epidemic.

The problem is that there were studies way before this to show that he was in the wrong.

Your world view is stunning though.

If you are instead implying that someone who does heroin has no free will to make choices, then why do rehab centers exist?

Not all addicts are the same.

If once you're addicted you can't stop, who is in rehab?

Not all addicts are the same.

Why are there methadone clinics?

Not all addicts are the same

Why do any of these things exist if someone on heroin can't use them?

Not all addicts are the same.

For you, an addict is an addict is an addict. They are all the same, all with the same lack of willpower, having made the same choice, the exact same choice that you were faced with but you're so strong and great and other people are all just weak.

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