Military Redditors, when you were in boot camp, what was the funniest thing you ever heard one of your Drill Sergeants say?

A story my father use to tell me. He was in basic for the Air Force and they were cleaning their barracks - making the beds, and organizing their drawers with their toothbrush, shaving shit, and other personal hygiene things.

In inspection the drill Sergeants would come around and would look at the drawers. They get to this one Jewish kid who had his perfectly organized. The Drill Sergeant yells:

“Mary Mother of Jesus that’s the prettiest damn drawer I’ve ever seen.”

He then gets the other 2 performing inspections and they yell:

“That’s the goddammed nicest drawer I’ve ever seen, your mama must of chewed your ass out every minute on the hour to keep your house clean”

Meanwhile everyone else is trying to to piss themselves laughing and my father is the one who winds up letting lose a snicker. The Drill Sergeant comes over and says:

“You think that’s funny? Is being organized funny to you?”

The proceeds to dump out every drawer onto the beds (about 25 or so) and told my father:

“All of these drawers better be twice as nice as (other guys) drawers and then we’ll see how funny being organized is”

/r/AskReddit Thread