Milo Yiannopoulos, controversial Breitbart editor, disinvited to speak at CPAC

Just like there isn't any indication that Milo isn't serious about the shit he spews. Sure, he'll claim that he's joking, but he keeps bringing forth the same vile, bigoted talking points. That's where I draw the comparison. I'm not making judgements on whether Nyberg is a good person, just that she was exactly what Milo is, with the caveat that she has at least officially repented.

Anyway, here's her account of it, take it for what it's worth.

My escape from the pain of that life was the internet; trolling, stoking outrage, and defending the indefensible in an attempt to cause drama. Being hated online was an escape, and an excuse to avoid the reality and pain of life. Where I felt anger at the world, at myself, at those around me, I could be the thing I thought was deserving of that hatred, with relative anonymity freeing me from the boundaries of societal expectation. I could be the bad guy, if not in fact, than in legend. The taboo became a suit of armor; each day, I would be more shocking, more edgy, than the last. Defense of racism, sexual deviancy, murder, and more, all vented between discussions of video games and websites, and thankfully — though not regrettably — contained to those virtual walls. Victimless, but only as far as we could tell in the moment; you can never be sure, when being ironically edgy, who may be legitimately goaded into horrible acts.

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