I miss my ex, despite me being the one to end it.

r.i.p sorry for the word barf

I find myself in an eerily similar position on the other end and here's what I have to say (after some time has passed).

You've given it some time and you've gotten some things fixed up on your end (which is great). Sometimes there are just so many things that are hitting you all at once and coming in from all sides and it sucks having to do something that hurts someone else. But at the end of the day, all you have is yourself and to some extent, I've come to truly believe that there's always time to take for yourself. The people involved should come to understand that / why you did what you did.

I'm not going to lie, I had this ridiculously hard time trying to talk to my ex after when I was thinking the same things that you have listed in the first paragraph. I was terrified of talking to her even though we'd talk for at least a few hours every day for the few months prior. But we started talking again after a bit of time and things aren't the same but it's the best possible situation after the fact.

What I'm trying to say is that, after everyone has some time to sit down and relax a bit, they can see things with ever so slightly more clarity. If it's what you feel inside is the right thing to do, talk to him. Tell him what's on your mind and what you're up to/thinking. I'm sure that he's thinking just the same.

/r/offmychest Thread